Equipment Installation

Installation of equipment is the process of assembling and installing it. It consists of preparation, installation, certain actions of specialists for commissioning of the equipment, study of documentation, training of technical staff. These steps are determinant as for how reliable, durable and quantitively the installation will operate. Installation often involves difficult challenges. To solve them correctly, you need the experience and knowledge that highly qualified specialists possess.
Therefore, the installation of equipment is carried out by companies having appropriate facilities and resources, trained specialists, and inspection service. It checks the quality of construction works, welded joints, installation of equipment in accordance with design documentation.

Installation work is carried out in several stages as follows:

  • analysis of design documentation;
  • development of design specifications and estimates;
  • preparation for installation;
  • performance of engineering and construction works;
  • the installation work itself;
  • laying cables and pipelines;
  • connection of servicescapes;
  • commissioning works.
Our company is ready to carry out the installation of equipment (technical and industrial) quickly and on a turnkey basis. We control the execution of all operations at all stages, so we guarantee high quality work.

If you have any questions about equipment installation, please call +371 270 772 88 or leave your contacts and we will contact you!

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