Parking lots Repairs

Parking lots are designed for parking of a large number of cars, they are distinguished by a large area, and therefore the dimensions of their facades are also large. When selecting materials for their outside finish, the main emphasis is put on the functionality of the materials.
When choosing materials, it is necessary to pay attention to the following characteristics:
  • Resistance to external atmospheric actions: rapid change of temperature, ultraviolet radiation, high humidity and others.
  • High mechanical performance. In multi-level surface parking lots, the upper floors of buildings will be subjected to wind loads, so the materials used must be really deformation-resistant.
  • High vandal-resistance. This quality is important for maintaining the appearance of the parking lot.

Materials for outside finish of parking lots

We can name some of the most popular materials that are used in the repairs of parking lots:

One of the most common options is metal siding panels. These panels are suitable for fixing on any base. With their help, it is easy to imitate brick, wood or natural stone. The panels are notable for their high strength, rigidity and resistance to external atmospheric actions, but the facing works are quite labour-consuming. This option can be used for small buildings.

Corrugated steel deck is also suitable for finishing of parking lots. Its characteristics are similar to the siding panels.

Plaster can be attributed to the classic way of finishing. It has good weather resistance, high vapor permeability and maintainability.

Why is parking lots insulation important?

Cars can be perfectly stored at a temperature of 0…+5 °С. Thermal insulation is not necessary for them, but for the reinforced concrete structures of the building, which are most often used in the construction of parking lots. The fact is that in case of a fire, such structures quickly warm up and lose their load-bearing capacity. If they are used in a high humidity environment (this is a typical case for underground parking lots), then cracks will also appear in reinforced concrete structures under the influence of a flame. To prevent such a result and increase the fire safety of buildings, stone wool slabs are used. It is an excellent heat insulator that can withstand temperatures up to +1,000 °C for 4 hours without releasing any harmful substances.

What materials are suitable for interior decoration of parking lots?

For interior decoration of parking lots, special attention should be paid to the flooring, as it is subjected to high mechanical stress. We can present the basic requirements for such decoration:
  • They must have high strength and wear resistance. This is especially important in winter, when some cars use studded tires.
  • Coatings must have a high anti-skid index. This property is important for reducing the braking distance in order to minimize the likelihood of accidents.
  • Coatings must be resistant to moisture. This requirement is especially relevant in autumn during the rainy season and in winter with frequent snowfalls, when most of the moisture gets into the parking lot from car tires and bodies.
  • Coatings must be resistant to chemically aggressive substances and not be destroyed by gasoline, acids or oils.
There are several functional and durable flooring options:
  • Floors with topping can be named as a budget choice. In this case, a special hardening layer is applied to the concrete surfacing. There is another way to reinforce a concrete basement – grinding and polishing its surface, followed by impregnation with a special silicate-polymer composition.
  • In parking lots it is allowed to create self-leveling and epoxy floors. They are resistant to shocks and abrasion loads, as well as to contact with chemically aggressive substances. Polymer-cement floors have similar properties.
  • Another common option is quartz-filled polyurethane coatings. They are characterized by long service life, excellent mechanical strength characteristics and attractive appearance.
When performing finishing works, it is important to take into account the purpose and operating conditions of the building. The choice of materials used depends on these factors. If you need to carry out a full range of parking lot repair works at the best price, please contact the experienced specialists of our company.

If you have any questions about parking lots repairs, please call +371 270 772 88 or leave your contacts and we will contact you!

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